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Serena Williams Jewelry

Driving success through strategic digital marketing solutions.

My Tasks

  • Digital marketing

  • PPC / SEM / AdWord

  • Campaign management

  • Market research

  • Keyword research

  • Ad copywriting

  • Bid optimization

  • Precision marketing

  • Social media management

  • Data analysis

  • Performance tracking

  • Budget management

  • Strategy development

  • Reporting


As a digital marketing expert, I collaborated with Serena Williams Jewelry to develop and implement a robust digital marketing campaign strategy that effectively maximized exposure during the holiday season. My approach involved conducting extensive research on the brand's target audience and online activities to create a comprehensive PPC/SEM/AdWords strategy that delivered on the brand's objectives and goals.

I utilized industry-leading tools to conduct market research, identify key data points, and perform keyword research, enabling me to create persuasive ad messages and optimize bidding across all ad channels, audiences, and keywords. I also implemented a Precision Marketing Program using Meta Platforms to drive direct sales through brand campaigns and increase awareness and traffic through generic campaigns. Throughout the project, I regularly provided bi-weekly reporting and analysis through Google Analytics and monthly performance status updates to keep the client informed and empowered to make data-driven decisions. The result was a successful campaign that delivered qualified traffic to the client's landing page and improved lead capture and conversion.

3 Big Takeaways

01.   Precision Targeting, Maximum ROI

02.  Leveraging User Behavior Data

03.  Multi-Channel Advertising Strategy


Precision Targeting, Maximum ROI

For the Google Search Campaigns, I conducted extensive keyword research and optimization, creating ad groups and targeting specific keywords to maximize relevance and quality score. I also utilized various bidding strategies, including manual, automated, and enhanced CPC, to achieve optimal performance and return on ad spend. Additionally, I continually monitored and adjusted ad copy, landing pages, and extensions to enhance ad relevance and improve click-through rates.

Paid Search PPC



Leveraging User Behavior Data

In the Google Display Campaigns, I utilized a range of targeting options, including demographic, interest-based, and contextual targeting, to ensure ads were shown to the most relevant audience. I also implemented various ad formats, including responsive, image, and video ads, and optimized placements and bids to achieve the highest possible performance. I utilized audience insights and analytics to make data-driven decisions, continually refining the targeting and creative strategies for optimal results.

In the Google Performance Max Campaigns, I utilized a machine learning algorithm that automatically optimizes ad placements across multiple Google ad networks, including Search, Display, YouTube, and Discover. I leveraged performance data and insights to inform bidding strategies and creative optimizations, continually refining the campaign to achieve maximum efficiency and return on ad spend.

Google Display Ads



Multi-Channel Advertising Strategy

Finally, for the Facebook and Instagram Meta Campaigns, I utilized advanced audience targeting options and ad formats to maximize reach and engagement. I utilized Facebook Pixel and Custom Audiences to retarget users who had previously interacted with the brand, and continually optimized ad creative, placements, and bidding strategies to achieve the highest possible performance.

Meta and Instagram Ads


As I reflect on the Serena Williams Jewelry digital marketing opportunity, I am proud of the work I have accomplished. From developing comprehensive Google Search and Display Campaigns to leveraging the latest advertising technologies such as Google Performance Max Campaigns and Meta Facebook and Instagram Campaigns, I have implemented a robust marketing strategy to drive traffic, sales, and brand recognition for Serena Williams Jewelry.

Throughout the project, I maintained a keen eye for detail and continually optimized the campaigns to ensure maximum performance. I also fostered open communication with the Serena Williams Jewelry team, regularly providing updates and insights to improve the overall marketing strategy. I am confident that my work has contributed to the growth and success of the Serena Williams Jewelry brand.

Overall, this project has been a rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a dynamic and innovative brand. I look forward to future collaborations and continuing to push the boundaries of digital marketing to drive results for my clients.

Crafting Digital Success


Strategic Execution

With Serena Williams Jewelry, I meticulously crafted and executed a high-impact digital marketing campaign that drove brand visibility and increased conversion rates during the holiday season. Delve into my other case studies to discover how my proficiency in digital strategy and marketing has consistently propelled businesses to new heights.

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© 2024 by Nour Almasri

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